Programs: Sports ℹ️ Use the filters below to narrow down your search. Filtered (2) Filters Reset all × Early Learning × Floor hockey × Gym time × Ice hockey × Judo × Karate × Softball × Tennis × Tumbling × 0-5 × Topics × Ball hockey(0) Baseball(0) Basketball(1) BMX bike riding(0) Bowling(1) CanSkate(0) Cheerleading(0) Curling(1) Early Learning(1) Figure skating(1) Floor hockey(1) Football(0) Golf(1) Gym time(0) Gymnastics(3) Hockey(0) Horseback riding(0) Ice hockey(0) Judo(0) Karate(0) Lacrosse(0) Martial Arts(0) Physical literacy(1) Roller hockey(0) Skiing(1) Soccer(1) Softball(1) Swimming(4) Tennis(0) Track and Field(1) Trampoline(0) Tumbling(0) Age 0-5(2) 6-12(6) 13-18(4) Adults(0) Locations North Delta(1) Ladner(2) Tsawwassen(1) Beyond Delta(0) Online(0) Program Cost Paid(2) Free(0) Show (2) Cancel Reset all × Early Learning × Floor hockey × Gym time × Ice hockey × Judo × Karate × Softball × Tennis × Tumbling × 0-5 × Early Learning, Physical literacy Delta Gymnastics 0-5 Ladner Paid 4680 Clarence Taylor Cres., Ladner Delta, V4K 3X3 604-943-0460 Visit website Basketball, Bowling, Curling, Floor hockey, Golf, Gymnastics, Skiing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Track and Field Special Olympics 0-5 6-12 Ladner North Delta Tsawwassen Paid Delta 604-813-7702 Visit website