About Delta Child & Youth

Who we are

Delta Child and Youth Committee (CYC) is a community collaborative in Delta, BC. It has been active since the early 1980’s. 

The collaborative is well attended by representatives from the municipality, school district, ministries, health authorities, and local non-profits. 

Our partners include government, non-profits and other organizations that work with children, youth and families.

CYC Photo Gallery

How we work 

The CYC has a 5-year Strategic Action Plan 2024-2029: Stronger Together! with strategic directions that are grounded in and connected to the community of Delta. We work in collaboration with Delta non-profit agencies and public partners to action identified annual community-based priorities.  

What we do 

Highlights and Accomplishments 2024 and 202

CYC Collaborative Committee

  1. Organized a research day  (and produced 2024 CYC Research Report to inform annual priorities and workplans). 
  2. Launched dynamic new website (https://deltakids.ca ) of programs and services (birth to 18 years old), with a Delta-wide event calendar. 
  3. Presented the first annual Google Analytics Report.
  4. Coordinated five focused workshops trainings to better understand and integrate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues and considerations into Delta agency policies and operations.
  5. Engaged networking and information sharing with colleagues and peers to promote a shared understanding of the work being done, reduce duplication of services and programs, and strengthen collaborations.

Youth Action Team

  1. Established first ever Youth Hub in Delta to promote social connections and youth well-being.
  2. Created a Youth Advisory Group to inform and guide the development of the Youth Hub(s).
  3. Planned and participated in Youth Week activities.

Child Care Action Team

  1. Promoted the Child Care Assessment and Inventory.
    1. Gathered together a broad stakeholder group to focus on increasing childcare spaces.
    1. Established a Parent Advisory Committee.

Early Years Action Team

  1. Created a Brochure for families with newborns.
  2. Distributed the Newborn Brochure and book bags with the brochure throughout Delta, in collaboration with Delta Community Literacy. 
  3. Developed a Welcoming Program Best Practices document for early years service providers.
  4. Hosted 2 community-outreach events for families with children birth to 12 years old, in North and South Delta. 

Internal Priorities

  1. Finalized and updated the  Strategic Plan (2024-2029), and Terms of Reference based on current trends and data analysis.
  2. Created a Master calendar of Annual Operational activities.
  3. Developed an annual review of the CYC Facilitator, with bi-monthly reports.
  4. Wrote a grant to the Delta Community Foundation for $5,000.00 to support 2025 CYC action team activities. 
  5. Created a CYC Action Team Feature Page on the website. 

The CYC gratefully acknowledges The Government of Canada funding provided to redevelop the website.

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