Welcome to the CYC’s Events posting!

The Delta CYC invites you to post all your events on the easy-to-use page if you are a CYC member/on the CYC email distribution list.

For your information:

  • Your event(s) will show up on the website’s calendar.
  • All events are added as drafts and will be published after being reviewed (moderated) by the website Administrator, which is the CYC Facilitator
  • Only CYC members can post their events
  • If you have any questions, please reach out via the form (unless you know the
    Facilitator’s direct email. Then, you can email her directly)
  • Images (photos, videos) cannot exceed 2Mb.

The Delta Child and Youth Committee is not responsible for fact-checking events. Event detail accuracy is the sole responsibility of the agency representative who completes and submits the event form.

Additional notes

  • Please ensure your event starts and ends on the same day (unless an event goes overnight). The same applies to recurring/ongoing events
  • For recurring/ongoing events choose a reasonable date when the series of events ends (expires). Please avoid leaving it as ‘ends never’ if possible to keep our database clean.
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