Programs: Education
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Babysitting, Home Alone, Leadership
Delta Parks & Recreation
North Delta Recreation Centre 11415 84 Avenue, North Delta, BC V4C 2L9; Ladner Community Centre 4734 51 St, Delta, BC V4K 3R8
Knit & Stitch
George Mackie Library
8440 – 112th Street North Delta, BC V4C 4W9
Learning Disabilities Association of BC – Fraser South Chapter
#101 – 14225 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 0H6
Early Learning, Employment, English classes, Settlement
#3 – 7953 120th Street, North Delta BC V4C 6P6 and #205 – 12725 80th Avenue Surrey, BC, V3W 3A6
Delta: 604-324-7733, 604-324-7744; Surrey: 604-596-7722
Early Learning
Reach Child & Youth Development Society
Play & Learn Centre, 11415 84th Avenue, North Delta, BC V4C 2L9
604-946-6622 ext 308
Early Learning
Surrey Arts Umbrella
Morgan Crossing, N116 – 15850 26 Avenue, South Surrey, BC V3Z 2N6
Childcare, Early Learning, Preschool
The Centre for Child Development of the Lower Mainland
11405 84 Avenue, North Delta, BC V4C 2L9
Babytime, Preschool, Reading, Stortytime, Weaving, Embroidery, Knitting
Tsawwassen Library
1321A – 56th Street Delta, BC V4L 2A6 (Tsawwassen)