Programs and services for
children and youth in Delta, BC

Truth & Reconciliation Walk in Delta – Walk and Ceremony
The Day for Truth and Reconciliation, September 30th, is a nationally recognized statutory holiday. This is a day to remember the young ones, the children, who were forced to leave their families, culture and homes to go to Residential Schools across Canada. This is a day to remember both the survivors and the ones who did not make it home.
On Friday Sep 27, 2024 At 10:00 am, we ask all Delta School District students and staff attached to any school and/or district building to wear orange and go for a walk in your school/building neighborhood to honor and show respect for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. We have chosen Friday Sept 27 as our district walk as it is the day closest to the day of formal recognition, Sept 30. On September 30 other organizations and First Nation communities may have plans to honor the day. For example, Tsawwassen First Nation does a walk around Tsawwassen Mills.
For the walk and post walk ceremony at 11:00am at Delta Manor details, please click here.
Featured Programs
A spotlight on some programs. Click the button below to see more.
North Delta Family Resource Centre and Ladner Early Childhood Development (ECD) Hub Program Schedule
Family drop-in, parent education, Parent-Child Mother Goose. Registration is required for some programs. Please enquire. For programs at the Ladner

George Mackie Library
8440 – 112th Street North Delta, BC V4C 4W9
About Delta Child & Youth
A hub of community services, programs, and events for families & caregivers in North Delta, Ladner, and Tsawwassen with children and youth.
Featured Resources
Child & Youth Committee publications. Click the button below to see more.